Walkthrough + Exercise

Due to time constraints, you are tasked with writing a nextflow script for the following processes:

  1. Read Alignment
  2. Mark Duplicates

I will provide a full nextflow script of the BASH workflow for you to run when you have completed the exercise.

Reusable Channels

In the BASH workflow, you may have noticed nearly every step required the reference genome or the exome interval list file. In nextflow we typically intialise files with a channel, however usually channels can only be used once.

Error example

Save the script as non-reusable.nf and run it -> nextflow run non-reusable.nf.

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

	.set{ fasta_ch }

process A{
    	echo true

    	file(fasta) from fasta_ch

    	printf "Process A, fasta file: $fasta\n"

process B{
    	echo true

    	file(fasta) from fasta_ch

    	printf "Process B, fasta file: $fasta\n"

Note the error message:

Channel fasta_ch has been used twice as an input by process B and process A

.into{} example

One way to overcome this is to put the file into multiple channels using .into{} instead of .set{}.

Save the script as into-reusable.nf and run -> nextflow run into-reusable.nf

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

	.into{ fasta_ch1; fasta_ch2 }

process A{
    	echo true

    	file(fasta) from fasta_ch1

    	printf "Process A, fasta file: $fasta\n"

process B{
    	echo true

    	file(fasta) from fasta_ch2

    	printf "Process B, fasta file: $fasta\n"

Process A and B can now run because the file has been put into two unique channels.

.value(file()) example

Placing a file into multiple channels is fine but is considered poor practice when writing large pipelines. For the variant calling workflow, we would have to place the fasta reference genome file into multiple channels, with each process hardcoded to a specific fasta_ch(n). This is cumbersome to keep track of!

To create a reusable channel we are going to use Channel.value(file()) to tell nextflow to stage the file path as a value and intialise it as a file. We can reuse this throughout the pipeline.

Save the below script as value-reusable.nf and run -> nextflow run value-reusable.nf

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

	.set{ fasta_ch }

process A{
    	echo true

    	file(fasta) from fasta_ch

    	printf "Process A, fasta file: $fasta\n"

process B{
    	echo true

    	file(fasta) from fasta_ch

      printf "Process B, fasta file: $fasta\n"

We can see that the channel fasta_ch is reusable across processes.

Staging files for Variant Calling

I have started you off by staging the input files required for the variant calling workflow. The Index files (.amb, .ann, .bwt, .pac, .sa, .fai, .dict) are all in a channel called index_ch. You will never need to specifically call one of these files, they just have to be present in the nextflow workdir for certain processes like read alignment (requires BWA indices) or BQSR (requires SAMtools .fai and Sequence Dictironary .dict files).

Other files such as dbSNP, Mills_KG or exome_intervals do need to be called specifically for flags. For this reason, they are in their own channel.

Save the script as stage_inputs.nf and run -> nextflow run stage_inputs.nf

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

 * Stage PE Sequencing Reads

reads_ch = Channel.fromFilePairs("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/reads/*_r{1,2}.fastq.gz")

 * Stage Input files for Variant Calling:

fasta_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/reference/GRCh37.fasta"))
exome_interval_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/assets/exome.bed.interval_list"))
mills_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/assets/Mills_KG_gold.indels.b37.vcf.gz"))
dbsnp_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/assets/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz"))
index_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/reference/*GRCh37.{dict,fasta.}*"))

 * I will show you how to call each of these files

process A {
    	echo true

    	tuple val(base), file(reads) from reads_ch
    	file(index) from index_ch
    	file(exome) from exome_interval_ch
    	file(dbsnp) from dbsnp_ch
    	file(mills) from mills_ch

    	echo $base, $reads
    	echo $index
    	echo $exome
    	echo $dbsnp
    	echo $mills

 * Check they can be reused.. (not the fastq pairs)



You are required to build on the stage_inputs.nf script and perform read alignment + markduplicates. Do not run this on the head node, submit the script with the -bg flag to invoke the SLURM job scheduler settings in your config file.

Refer to the full pipeline we ran for guidance. Below is a skeleton script to help:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

params.outdir = "./"

 * Stage PE Sequencing Reads

reads_ch = Channel.fromFilePairs("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/reads/*_r{1,2}.fastq.gz")

 * Stage Input files for Variant Calling:

fasta_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/reference/GRCh37.fasta"))
exome_interval_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/assets/exome.bed.interval_list"))
mills_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/assets/Mills_KG_gold.indels.b37.vcf.gz"))
dbsnp_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/assets/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz"))
index_ch = Channel.value(file("/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/reference/*GRCh37.{dict,fasta.}*"))


process bwa {
      publishDir "${params.outdir}/bwa_aln", mode:'copy'






// Use the output BAM file as an input for this process

process markduplicates{
      publishDir "${params.outdir}/markdups", mode:'copy'





Full script

If you want to see the full pipeline in nextflow, it is available (variant_calling.nf) at the following repository. Note I used .getval() instead of Channel.value(file()), slightly outdated syntax but it still works.

Save the script to your own directory and run it by calling:

nextflow -bg -q run variant_calling.nf \
--outDir $(pwd) \
--analysisDir "/data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling" \
-with-singularity /data/MSc/2020/MA5112/Variant_Calling/container/germline_vc.img